Friday, September 02, 2005

Religion.....everybody's favorite subject

Ok, I'm gonna keep tonight's rant short. This might offend somebody. I kinda hope it does, it'll give you something to do. Religions are fun. You need something to think about? You can spend your whole life studying religion and tryin to figure this stuff out. It's really interesting learning what makes different groups of people tick. That being said, religion is doing a pretty good job of fuckin stuff up. People have been fighting over this stuff for thousands of years. Why? Why do you have to be right AND make everyone else know that? I'm a little annoyed from time to time by the Christian leaders in this country. You know the I even need to name names? Sometimes this stuff is just counter-productive. If you don't like the idea of a lottery, then you can build a much stronger argument on it hurting low income families than you can from just saying that it's immoral. And what about that "high-alcohol" beer thing? Nine-percent alcohol "devil beer" isn't making a mockery of morality. Why don't you people bitch about everclear some or something? That'll fuck you up way more than the devil beer.

In any case, local religion impacts can be annoying, but that's about it. Pat's callin for an assassination (whether he wants to admit it or not), but he's not getting out there and doing it. On the other hand, let's spin the globe around to, oh, let's say, the Middle East. Israelis and Palestinians are taking this a little far. You people have a place to live, you can practice your own religion. Who gives a shit what religion your neighbors are. Iraq. Shiites and Sunnis are fighting. You people worship the same damn god......get the fuck over it. Do you realize that you're blowing up your whole shitty country over this? I'm not saying that our presence hasn't had any effect on all this........but we didn't just pit them against eachother in the last 2 years. This is ridiculous. Why can't we get along (yeah, I said it). So apparently as long as your religion is the right one, and you hate and kill as many others as you can while you're on earth, the afterlife will be great. Everybody better hope there is an afterlife......or everyone is dying for a big hoax.


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