Thursday, September 01, 2005

I think I might be onto something

Why is it that my brain only really fires up around nine o'clock at night? I find it rather likely that it corresponds with my sense of dissatisfaction and general restlessness also firing up when I notice that the day has slipped away and im faced with the sole possibility of going to sleep. Granted, my bed may be fabulously comfortable, but it feels so much better when you've earned it.

What do I want? I want something to put in here before i go to bed; something that somebody might give a shit about. You know what? I want it to be something I've done; not a rant about what I want to do. I'm not asking for something big, but i want a highlight. An interesting highlight would be fantastic.

Let's go out on a limb here and say that I do want to try something in the writing field. Here's the question: Do I want to report stories or do I want to make my own? Twenty words per sentence, two sentences per paragraph. Get the who, what, where, when, why, and how. Sounds kinda boring doesn't it? It sounds to me like a formula; like something I'd learn in an engineering class if we engineered news articles. Straight forward newswritting might have its place, but I'm thinking that gutting a story down to the bare facts pretty much takes the story out of it. Feature writting gets as good of a look from readers as the hard news stories and it's because its better written. Put some effort into news stories. Make them sound "pretty." People may be in a hurry, but not many people are going to mind a few extra words when they get the experience.


Thats what people want. Everyone thats stuck in the same old boring job wants it. They guys that never have any fun want it. Even totally content people want it. Give people the experience and you'll be sucessfull. You couldn't make it to the big football game, but you want the experience. You'll get it through television coverage, commentary, trivia, and even advertisements for beer. People read the news just to be informed, but they also want the experience. Why just know what's going on with flooding in New Orleans when you can witness it? Even advertising deals with an experience, there's just a little more trechery involved. You want this party experience? Coors light can make it happen for you.

What is everyone's favorite thing to do though? Fun? An Escape? A vacation? An adventure? Yes. The key here again is bringing home the experience. Not that many people care about the facts. Sure, some people are interested in going somewhere and want a travel guide. The rest, however, either have too much to do or don't have the financial means. That's why you have to take them on an adventure/escape/vacation in a convenient and cheap means for them. The big question is: what's the best way to do it? Television is the newest answer, but good writing can still make the mind work the hardest.

Whatever the best method is though, I'm going to make it happen. I'm going to have a kickass time. I'm going to bring everyone at home along and make them feel good for a few minutes in theire mundane existance. Best of all, I'm going to make money doing it. Theres my job. I'm gonna entertain you, but behind the scenes I'm really just entertaining myself. And you're going to pay for it. And I'm gonna have some awesome stories to tell. Enjoy.


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