Wednesday, August 31, 2005

thats the dumbest thing ive ever heard

attention......mike is considering cancelling mountain bike season. gas is too expensive.....we need a solar powered 15 passenger van for the team. for the rest of the semester, we're all gonna race our campus bikes around raleigh to do errands since we cant afford to drive. kill 2 birds with one stone. the idea has been tossed around that the team should start prostituting ourselves. i gotta say, if the moneys good......

i want to go to the beach this weekend.....looks like gas might keep me here....i should be riding anyway....

this is gonna die in like 2 days

why the hell did i do this? i was just lookin for a place to post some pictures that i took that i hope look good to people that arent totally biased. well, if i want my own column about wandering around cool places doin cool shit i guess i gotta start somewhere........back to hunting for webspace

my mission statement

aight, so this is gonna be like erik saunders website (i dont win anything, but i got my own website), but will contain less suggestions of threesomes involving ur riding buddies. ill throw in a little chad gibson style too, but im not gonna spend my whole posts bitchin about why i shouldve won.

also, in the spirit of todays youth, i shall use no more punctuation or capitalization than is absolutly necessary to get the job done. ok, so that sentance might have been a bad example....... it looks like im addicted to commas.

my explanation for this is mainly that almost exclusivly takin chass courses frees up some time; time that im using to try and figure out what the hell i want to do..... i need a major. im also doing this creative thing these days. my guess is its some kinda chemical imbalance thing from spending 2 years in engineering and then suddenly taking classes where my work is exclusively thinking.

on another note, it looks like we have a lottery now. sorry conservatives, you boys lost ur fight. all is not lost however; i implore you to rush to your nearest church, synagoge, or mosque and pray that north carolina is not smitten by the wrath of an angry god. in any case, i can tell you ill be the first one buying tickets........i gotta get back that $100 i got charged for havin my car towed....